Documenting the decline of coal and oil fired electricity generation in the UK
Documenting the decline of coal and oil fired electricity generation in the UK

Ferrybridge C Power Station – Control Room

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Ferrybridge C Control Room

A view of the control room how it originally looked
A view of the control room how it originally looked

The control room at Ferrybridge C Power Station was a fine example of 60s command centres – spacious, bright and, at the time it was built, futuristic. Each unit had its own control station, each wrapping around one corner of the square layout. Engineering and controls for station facilities were placed in the centre.

The control room had been upgraded with CUTLASS in the 1980s. The panels had been reconfigured accordingly, but the layout of the control desks in the control room remained unchanged until closure.

Control Room Pictures

The huge control room at Ferrybridge C
The huge control room at Ferrybridge C

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