Documenting the decline of coal and oil fired electricity generation in the UK
Documenting the decline of coal and oil fired electricity generation in the UK

Uskmouth B Power Station – Boiler House and Fuel Mills

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Uskmouth B Power Station Boiler House

Boiler specification plate
Boiler specification plate

The coal-fired boilers at Uskmouth B were supplied by Babcock and Wilcox. They are radiant boilers with superheaters and economisers. They have a capacity of 860,000 lb of steam per hour at 1,900 psi.

The pulverised fuel mills were also supplied by Babcock and Wilcox. The coal feeders had been removed from units 13 and 14, but the mothballed unit 15 retained its feeders.

Boiler Photos

One of the three Babcock and Wilcox Boilers
One of the three Babcock and Wilcox Boilers

Mills and Fuel Delivery Photos

Pulverised Fuel Mills
Pulverised Fuel Mills

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