Documenting the decline of coal and oil fired electricity generation in the UK
Documenting the decline of coal and oil fired electricity generation in the UK

Uskmouth B Power Station – Turbines

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Usknouth B Turbine Hall

The power station originally had three generating sets, producing a total of 363 MW of electricity. The station underwent a £120 million refurbishment in 2001 which increased the generating power to 393 MW. One of the three 131 MW generators, Unit 15, was mothballed in 2013, and a year later the entire power station was closed. The station was subsequently sold and is undergoing conversion to Biomass.

Unit 14 generator and turbine set
Unit 14 generator and turbine set

Uskmouth B Generating Units

List of power generating units at Uskmouth B Power Station:

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Turbine Pictures

Overview of Uskmouth B turbine hall
Overview of Uskmouth B turbine hall

Boiler Feed Pump Pictures

Metropolitan-Vickers Boiler Feed Pumps
Metropolitan-Vickers Boiler Feed Pumps

Ancillary Equipment Pictures

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